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Ramadan, Ketupat and Rendang

We do not order Kueh Tart, Ketupat, Rendang, or go to the tailor — on the first day of Shawwal. These preparations are made well before Shawwal. Likewise, we can't wait until Ramadan to prepare for Ramadan. Perhaps in the past, we missed out on the full blessings of Ramadan because we didn't properly prepare for it before it arrived.

How do we prepare for Ramadan? Imagine Ramadan as pure water, raining down from the heavens. If we try to capture it, but in a glass filled with dirt and filth, the water will no longer be pure or drinkable. The glass must be cleaned first. In the same way, we must cleanse our hearts and souls in Sha’ban, before Ramadan comes, so we can fully experience the purity and blessings of the month.

To prepare the glass means to rid ourselves of the filth in our lives—the things known only to Allah — and to stop engaging in disobedience to Him, to our parents, and to those who have rights over us. We prepare by beginning to perform the qabliyyah and ba’diyyah prayers, by starting our Quran recitations , all in Sha’ban — and not waiting for Ramadan. Sha’ban is the time to adjust our routines, to clean the glass. Then, when Ramadan arrives, we are ready to drink from the purest of blessings!

May this coming Ramadan be the best Ramadan of our life! Amin Allahumma amin!