Mohamad Kamsani, 35

The approach at Revamp is most sincere and genuine. I have never come across any like it, and I don’t think there would be any like it. Their desire to impart knowledge is just so authentic, so selfless. How brother Aydarus gave us his most expensive asset each night - his time, and brother Faisal Khan's commitment in assisting the sessions voluntarily.

Masyallah i am truly grateful to have been given this opportunity to attend the session and meet them, and from this, a friendship of a lifetime has begun, for the sake of Allah swt.

I discovered that every little thing that we were worried about, is unfounded, because once we seek knowledge, Allah swt makes it easy for us. All our questions were answered here at Revamp.

I first joined when Revamp was at Sarang Café, Bussorah Street in 2012. I was at the beginning of my career, so I skipped many lessons and eventually gave up on attending the sessions. My only regret is my career could have waited, and it could have become better because of my seeking knowledge for Allah.

Mohamad Kamsani, 35

Participant of REturn, Apr 2020 intake

Revamp Truthseekers